Prologis Park 355

Prologis Parkway Lockport, IL USA

Prologis Park 355

Prologis Parkway Lockport, IL USA

2.4 MSF Master Planned Development

Developed, Owned, & Managed by Prologis

2.4 MSF Master Planned Development

Developed, Owned, & Managed by Prologis


Traci Payette
Ph +1 630 573 7104
Cell +1 847 732 1214

Stephanie Park
Ph +1 630 573 7121
Cell +1 773 415 0321

Jeff Kapcheck
Ph +1 630 573 7062
Cell +1 708 494 7679

Trevor Jeske
Ph +1 847 292 3866
Cell +1 248 212 9014

Maggie Tullier
Ph +1 847 292 3943
Cell +1 847 420 4145

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